Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dyslexic Cartoons

This cartoon speaks to me as a dyslexic on a different level. I am awful at knowing my right from my left and I think that showing the shadow being different and confused from the actual person is genius and clever.
This cartoon made me laugh but this is not the way dyslexia works. The biggest question I get from people when I am asked about what dyslexia is like is always, "do all letters go everywhere or do you see letters upside down?" But that is clearly not the case. 

This by far is probably the most accurate cartoon I have come across. To this day I still mixup when I spell "angel" and "angle." Not only do I mix them up spelling wise, but when I read them I have to double check to make sure that I am saying the write word.

All of these cartoons are stereotypes that people think dyslexia is like, but most of them aren't really that true but the some are extremely true. And that my friends is Aly's eye view!

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